
2xRaise - Increase Your Salary

2xRaise - Increase Your Salary


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You are being underpaid.

Your parents lied to you. It’s not about getting a good job or going to a good school.

You do that for a few years to get a job making a few bucks a month. And for what?

So a new guy can make 4x your salary with less experience?

What does he know that you don’t?

You were slaving away at a desk for a 4% raise that doesn’t even cover inflation.

While he got results based compensation.

I'm Alex Berman and I went from junior sales guy to Director of Marketing in under 2 years.

It’s because I learned the secret to massive raises.

Once you learn this you will laugh at the idea of a 4% raise like I do.

What do I know that you don’t?

I’ll tell you in a minute. But first - check out these results:

  • Div got a 1,300% raise in under 4 years
  • Vishal got a 30% raise in one conversation
  • And I went from $4k per month to $25,000 per month (625% Raise!)

I want you to understand that a 4% raise is bullshit.

What these people did that you don't is they:

  • Understand the business
  • Identify ways that business can make more money
  • Ask for results based compensation based on that work

Messing up one of these conversations could get you fired so it’s better not to do it alone.

Introducing 2XRaise. A Step by step system for getting a MASSIVE raise at your job.

Inside you'll see the exact process our students have used to negotiate huge raises and get access to a step by step system for you to talk to your boss, put together a pitch and finally get what you deserve.

* I am so confident in this process that if you prove you did the work and don't get a raise we will send you a full refund.

But that's not all!

BONUS: A 1,300% Raise! ($279 Value)

I talk with our team lead about how he went from a $150 a month salary to making over $2,000 per month. Now he's on track to earn $100,000 USD per year.

BONUS: A 10,000x Raise! ($328 Value)

I dive deep with Robert Indries about his start as a dyslexic pig farmer in Romania making $100 per website. Now he makes close to a $1 million per year.

BONUS: The proposal that led to a 630% raise ($2,049 Value)

You will also see the exact document I presented to my boss to become the Director of Marketing. See my exact compensation structure and offer so you can steal it.

This was not shared before in any other program.

If you’re ready to follow a tested system that will force you to get paid more... join 2xRaise today.

Note: The Current Price of $147 is only valid till 15th Feb at 10 AM PST. After that, the price will increase!

WARNING! This course is only for action takers. If you are only in here for the knowledge then leave this page immediately.

Student Success Stories:

That's it... And if there's something you want to know...

Just message me on Twitter @alxberman

It's time to take action!

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